
The future of this blog

Whats up folks.  It has been a little while, hasn't it?  Things have definitely come and gone in the last few months, but I have been surprised to see a steady stream of about 20 people continually checking this blog, even in my absence.  While that is a considerably small number in the blogosphere, it surprises me and has caused me to second-think my decision to abandon this blog.  Why was I going to abandon this blog, and what is there to look forward to?

Well my playtime with Warcraft has gone through some serious changes in the past three months or so.  I've gone from playing 40+ hours a week to playing about 3 or so hours every weekend, at the most.  My time in Azeroth is spent simply posting glyph auctions, running random Wintergrasps, and doing a battleground scattered here and there.  So why the changes in my playtime?  Why the changes in my priorities?  Let me expand on this a bit.

I moved.  I have moved into a new place, which requires some changes in lifestyle.  My new house is a small place, only about 700sq ft.  I'm here on my own, which is quite nice, to be honest.  I really enjoy living by myself.  
I got engaged.  I asked my fiancee to marry me on Christmas eve in '09.  I'm very excited about the quality of life that I'm going to have with a wife that is as amazing as my fiancee is.  This contributes hugely to the amount of playtime that I get with WoW.  But when choosing between the two, the choice is incredibly easy to make.
My interests have changed.  While I get a deep enjoyment out of gaming, I no longer can play Warcraft in 18 hour sessions like I could a year ago.  I still love gaming in general, though.  I play a lot of Tekken6 and I like kicking back and enjoying a good single player console game like Assassin's Creed II or God of War.  I also have begun playing a browser game, evony, with a coworker of mine which has become a nice change of pace.  My love and appreciation for gaming has definitely grown, but my passion for WoW has fallen.  While I still enjoy the game, but I don't get the satisfaction from it that I used to.

And that brings me to the million dollar question...what does that mean for this blog?  Well, I'm excited to fill everyone in on that.  There will be some major changes coming, from the aesthetics to the content.  The focus of this blog will no longer be exclusive to the Paladin class, or even Warcraft in general.  I will begin covering a wider variety of games, as well as other hobbies and interests that I have outside of the world of gaming.  I will be expanding on this with a well written blog post that will layout exactly what I will be providing as content, and what you can look forward to as a reader.

I know that after three months of inactivity, I am asking a lot for you to sit tight and wait for the changes to come, but please bear with me.  This blog has a bright future ahead of it, and I would love for you all to be a part of it!

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