
Busy weekend

If you all didn't know, I'll be getting hitched this coming November.  My old lady is getting stressed planning the wedding, so I'm going to give her a hand with a few things this weekend.  I may be able to get in an update from my blackberry, but no guarantees.  RSS me and i'll get back in full swing as soon as I can!


  1. Tip1: don't call them old lady. They don't like that.
    Tip 2: act like you don't want to touch the boobies
    Tip 3: buy her flowers to go to her work just because. They love it.
    Tip 4: make lots babies. Kids are awesome

  2. Grats Man!

    Also I agree with tip1, from Scary, good advice

  3. Haha oh man, what am I getting myself into. Good advice, consider it taken to heart.
